Big Girl’s Don’t Cry…

…unless they get told they can’t go to a theatre! (Yes Boris, you can keep your restrictions to yourself thanks!)

One of the things I said I wanted to do in 2022 is to see more musicals! So, I’ve set myself an aim of seeing (at least) one musical a month, whether it’s in London or a UK tour show. So, the list is looking a little like this:

  1. Jersey Boys – Birmingham – Dec 28th, 2021
  2. Les Miserables – London – Jan 8th, 2022
  3. &Juliet – London – Jan 27th, 2022

Now, I’m sort of stuck as I know there are a lot of musicals out there but I don’t know which one to see when? I want to see Frozen (only because I’m such a big kid and love Samantha Barks who is playing Elsa), Back to the Future, Tina, The Drifter’s Girl…you name it, I’ve looked at it.

The other way I look at this is to make more memories as the year goes on. I’ve been working so much the last 2 years that I’ve not had time to myself and to actually enjoy things (ok, maybe lockdowns and restrictions helped with that too) but now as everything is slowly starting to get back to normal, I want to be out there enjoying myself more and having fun.

If you want to add to the list of musicals, throw some ideas at me. What musicals have you guys been to see that you would recommend to me?

Can’t wait to hear your suggestions!!!

3 thoughts on “Big Girl’s Don’t Cry…

  1. For me to see a musical, it would be a US Tour (right now, aware I am seeing one of three I hope to catch this year)

    1. Frozen- June (so glad this is happening)

    Now, what are the other tours I hope to catch:

    1. Anastasia- October
    2. Hadestown- November


      1. Looking forward to Frozen as well- already know I will love it. Only wish the tour didn’t cut “True Love” out of the production (which is a heartbreaking solo song meant for Anna), my favorite added song to the musical

        October 2020- that was when I was originally going to see the musical, but to make up for it, I watched both movies that weekend


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