30STM Seasons World Tour 09.06.24

Now everyone knows that I never seem to have time to enjoy a gig anymore because I’m always working them…however, when this one was announced I made sure that I would be going to see them. Thirty Seconds to Mars have been around for about 20 years now and yes, I might still be that woman who everyone associates with the boy bands and cheesy pop but things like 30STM, BFMV (Bullet for my Valentine), Linkin Park and a few others also like to bring out my inner emo/rock chick.

Fronted by Jared Leto and joined by his brother, Shannon, they’ve had hits such as ‘The Kill’, ‘A Beautiful Lie’, ‘Closer to the Edge’ and ‘From Yesterday’ and we were treated to a set list that included all of these. We also had ‘Stuck’ and ‘Seasons’ from their new album ‘It’s the End of the World but it’s a Beautiful Day’.

There were opportunities for people to be up on stage with the band, which resulted in one guy asking to play the guitar during ‘Rescue Me’ (to which Jared made sure he got that chance and the guy, Oliver, got in ears, guitar…he looked like a proper rockstar! Oh and he nailed it!) and a seven year old getting the chance to swear on stage when telling the crowd to sing. That same seven year old then got to play drums with Shannon and threw drumsticks into the crowd.

We were treated to balloons, millions of pieces of confetti and fire that was probably about twenty foot high and Jared also came on stage with a flamethrower and lit a flare.

Just watching them perform it seemed that they were enjoying it more this time round than before their hiatus. I’d heard loads of stories about not being able to touch them during meet and greets, Jared upsetting people with his attitude, him being a germaphobe and asking for strange things on his rider but this was like a completely different side – he was laughing, joking, hugging people on stage, interacting with the crowd A LOT. IT was almost like something had changed during their hiatus that made him realise that we are the ones that have put them there.

Even though the UK dates hadn’t sold as well as they would have liked, the atmosphere was electric with everyone singing along very loudly! I managed to bag myself an upgrade into the gold circle too so I was completely in my element. I haven’t stopped smiling and telling everyone about the show since (and nearly did Cardiff the night after as a last minute thing but it was too expensive when priced up) so I’m looking forward to when they announce another tour because I might even contemplate VIP for that one!

Am I turning into more of a rock chick/metal fan guys?? Let’s see how this develops haha! But that night was definitely THE best gig I’ve been to in a long time!

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